YouTube to MP3 Converter

Our converter will extract the best audio from YouTube videos and convert them to MP3 files for you. Download the best MP3 quality from YouTube with 192kbps bitrate and 48kHz sampling rate. Our free online tool converts audio on the fly, so you can start your download right away.

Converter Instructions

  1. Copy and paste the YouTube video link into the text box and click on "Convert".
  2. Click on the "Download" button to download the converted MP3.
  3. To use the converter again, click the "X" button to clear the old link, and repeat step 1.

Device Compatibility

Since the converter works on any device with a web browser, it will work on Mac, Windows, iPhone, and Android too. No additional app or software is needed.

Disk Usage

Before you start the download, make sure your device has enough disk space. Next to the download button, you can check how much space (in megabytes) each MP3 file uses.

Audio Quality

We convert YouTube audio to 192kbps for the best MP3 quality. The audio bitrate from YouTube videos is generally around 128kbps. Since MP3 is a lossy audio format, it's best to encode it to a higher bitrate such as 192kbps to try to retain the original quality that YouTube provides. If you want MP4 audio files instead that take up less space and are better quality, check out our YouTube to MP4 Converter.


To prevent abuse, we only allow one download at a time, with a maximum audio duration of 20 minutes each.


While it's generally against YouTube's policy to download audio from their videos, it's fine to use the converter on your own videos or ones you have permission to use, like copyright free videos. By using our converter, you agree that you don't violate any policies or laws from YouTube or the video's copyright holders.